Cleaning conditions of Spedition Petri GmbH & Co. KG At the old gallows 12, 56410 Montabaur - hereinafter referred to as Petri -

1. Subject of the contract

The cleaning conditions apply to the execution of cleaning work by Petri, to the use of the cleaning system by the customer as part of the independent execution of cleaning work and to the ancillary services in the aforementioned connection.

2. Conclusion of contract

The contract is concluded when the driver signs the order and Petri accepts the order with the services listed in the order. The customer affirms that the driver signing for him is legally authorized to act on his behalf.

3. Scope of services

Petri provides the commissioned cleaning as a service. The scope of the cleaning is determined solely by the information provided by the customer in the order. Hoses, pumps, outlets, etc. will only be cleaned if they are expressly mentioned in the order. If parts are not visible without special examination, their cleaning is not part of the contract, unless this was expressly agreed in the order and the cleaning staff were expressly informed of these parts.

The use of cleaning agents depends on the "last load" specified by the customer. The customer determines the duration of the cleaning. If the customer carries out the cleaning work independently, Petri will make the cleaning system available. In this case, the procurement and selection of the cleaning agent is the responsibility of the customer.
If Petri carries out a cleaning inspection in accordance with the contractual agreement, this includes a visual inspection by appropriately trained specialist staff.

4. Obligations

The customer is obliged to correctly and completely name the subpoena of the container, which he confirms by presenting the shipping documents and the delivery note and with his signature. If the customer has given false information about the last load, he is obliged to pay for all damages.
Each interior cleaning requires the removal of the residues in the container by the customer. If there are residual quantities in the container, the customer must expressly point this out in the order. The removal and disposal of the remaining quantities is only part of the contract if this is expressly agreed in the order.
After the cleaning has been carried out, the customer must check the container and the other components that come into contact with the transported goods to ensure that the services have been carried out properly and for damage.
Complaints must be made by the driver immediately. i.e. H. must be noted in writing on the order before leaving the company premises. This obligation is also incumbent on the customer if Petri has contractually committed to carry out the inspection. The inspection by the customer applies in particular if the containers are not dried in accordance with the order placed. The customer is aware that in this case a visual inspection by the cleaning staff is not possible.
When using the cleaning system independently, the customer must treat the cleaning system carefully and carefully. Use at your own risk. The customer must observe the statutory accident prevention regulations and the instructions for using the cleaning system.

5. Liability

Petri is only liable for intent and gross negligence within the framework of the statutory provisions. Liability for indirect damage caused by mixing residues with derived products on the derived product itself or as a result of subsequent processing is excluded.
Due to the lack of testing options, Petri excludes any liability for the cleaning action with regard to the parts that are not visible, such as boilers, outlets, hoses, air lines, pumps and tank outlet nozzles.
Claims for damages due to delay or impossibility are limited to ten times the remuneration.

6. Compensation

Invoices for cleaning are payable immediately and without deduction. If the client is more than 4 weeks in arrears with payment, cash payment will be required for further cleaning.

7. Other

German law applies. The validity of the customer's general terms and conditions is excluded.
The invalidity of individual provisions of this contract does not affect the validity of the remainder. The parties undertake to replace the ineffective conditions with those that come closest to the intended economic purpose.
Place of performance and place of jurisdiction for both parties is Montabaur.